Special day
"Surprise Your Loved Ones"
''Give your loved ones the best gift on special days''
On behalf of your loved ones;
You can plant saplings in the garden of village schools or give a story book to children.
For children who have never been to the cinema in their life, you can buy a movie ticket or a cake .
In return for your donation, we will send surprise certificates to your loved ones.

What Can You Gift?
We can plant saplings in the garden of village schools for you and your loved ones.
1 sapling
10 liras
You can present a movie ticket to our children in village schools on behalf of your loved ones.
1 Ticket+Corn+Beverage 25 TL
To the libraries of village schools,
You can gift story books on behalf of your loved ones.
1 Storybook
10 liras
We buy a birthday cake for you and give it to our children in village schools.
One wet cake (for 6 persons) 50 TL