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''We Are Together for Participatory Democracy''

You Have The Word! What do you want to change in your city?

Choose your city, share your projects and suggestions!​

We come together to find solutions to the problems of our cities . 

The world is changing. Goals are changing. Humanity is changing. Don't be indifferent to change! We have established an independent platform where you can share your thoughts to make your voice heard on issues that concern us all! We invite you to express your thoughts and take care of your city.


Thanks to Digital Council cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ , you can submit your complaint requests and solution suggestions to our relevant mayors and contribute to the decision-making processes of your city.


We report the obtained demand and our solution suggestions to the authorities . We follow up the submitted requests.

Thank you! Message sent.

' Hope in Youth Movement'  the sense of responsibility we feel for future generations, morality 'to be a good human being'  with a sense of solidarity, by realizing participatory democracy, with the aim of providing social benefit and was founded on the principle of 'Peace at Home, Peace in the World' 

'We did not come for the cause, our job is for love,

your friend's house is hearts, we came to make hearts''  

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