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Sarı ve Beyaz Çiçekler




Name and Center of the Association

Article 1 - Name of the Association: “Hope Youth Association” .  Its short name is 'Hope Youth'. The flag of Umut Youth is the sunflower that symbolizes nature and agriculture in the letter "U" as the symbol of the letter of Hope. Colors are red and white.

The headquarters of the association is Adana.  The association can open branches in the country and abroad. It carries out activities throughout Turkey and internationally and may appoint representatives.


Purpose of the Association and Fields of Activity and Fields of Activity to be Continued by the Association in order to Realize This Purpose


Article 2 -  The Association, in order to support economic and social development, which is the basis of sustainable development;

  • To develop 'human rights' on the basis of solidarity, without dividing humanity according to geographical borders and by considering each person as a member of a single family, on the basis of the principles of our leader Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who emphasized his trust in the youth by saying 'all my hope is in the youth',

  • To ensure the development of participatory democracy, which is the basic element of a happy and peaceful life,

  • To support social development in the fields of human health, clean environment, economic - social development and international relations,

  • To increase awareness of public health and safety through sports,

  • Sustainable education, cultural activities to raise human values, encouraging innovative initiatives and ensuring the regular development of employment focused on 'benefiting people',

  • Strengthening the social and economic conditions of vulnerable, vulnerable or vulnerable groups,

  • To create urban and rural areas that are sustainable and based on ethical values,

  • To protect nature and natural resources and to prevent waste,

  • To support recycling awareness in order to reduce environmental damage, encourage recovery and reduce consumption,

  • Ensuring sustainability in nature with ecological agriculture, supporting rural development and supporting the production and sale of ecological products,

  • To create projects in cooperation with the public, industry and universities in order to develop science and technology in the service of humanity and nature,

  • To strengthen national and international communication in order to strengthen the common life,

It was established to carry out historical, artistic and cultural studies in order to contribute to the development of humanity on equal and fair grounds, and to create and implement joint projects with the private organization and public associations working in these fields.


Working Subjects and Forms to be Continued by the Association

1-Doing research for the activation and development of its activities, 

2- To organize training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences and panels,

3- To obtain all kinds of information, documents, documents and publications necessary for the realization of the purpose, to establish a documentation center, to publish publications such as newspapers, magazines, books and bulletins in line with its objectives, in order to announce its work,

4-To provide a healthy working environment for the realization of the purpose, to provide all kinds of technical tools and equipment, fixtures and stationery,

5-To carry out fundraising activities and to accept donations from within the country and abroad, provided that the necessary permissions are obtained,

6- Establishing and operating economic, commercial and industrial enterprises in order to provide the income it needs for the realization of the purposes of the regulation,

7- Opening clubs, establishing social and cultural facilities and furnishing them so that its members can benefit and spend their spare time,

8-Meeting meetings, concerts, balls, theatre, exhibitions, sports, excursions and entertaining activities etc. in order to develop and maintain human relations among its members. to organize or to enable its members to benefit from such activities,

9- Buying, selling, renting, leasing movable and immovable property needed for the activities of the Association and establishing real rights on immovables,

10- If deemed necessary for the realization of the purpose, to establish foundations, to establish a federation or to join an established federation in the country and abroad, to establish facilities that associations can establish by obtaining the necessary permission,

11-To carry out international activities, to be a member of associations or organizations abroad and to cooperate or cooperate with these organizations,

12- If deemed necessary for the realization of the purpose, without prejudice to the provisions of the Law No. 5072 on the Relationship of Associations and Foundations with Public Institutions and Organizations, to carry out joint projects with public institutions and organizations in their field of duty,

13- Establishing a fund to meet the essential needs such as food, clothing, other goods and services and short-term credit needs of the members of the association,

14-To open branches and representative offices where deemed necessary,

15-To create platforms to realize a common purpose with other associations or foundations, unions and similar non-governmental organizations in areas that are related to the purpose of the association and not prohibited by law,

16- To carry out all kinds of activities that are necessary for the realization of the purpose and that are not prohibited by the laws,


Field of Activity of the Association

The association develops national and international projects in the fields of education, science, culture, art and tourism and  industry, food, agriculture and livestock  in order to support social development in economic and social terms, operates in the country and abroad to cooperate with official institutions, to contribute to the development of children and families, and to operate in the fields of humanitarian aid .


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' Hope in Youth Movement'  the sense of responsibility we feel for future generations, morality 'to be a good human being'  with a sense of solidarity, by realizing participatory democracy, with the aim of providing social benefit and was founded on the principle of 'Peace at Home, Peace in the World' 

'We did not come for the cause, our job is for love,

your friend's house is hearts, we came to make hearts''  

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